You want to make exports, but...

We provide you with a competent and reliable realisation of your exports business!

About us:

project management - export : Hugo Schnaberich

Stand for successful export business in practice. The basis of which is long-standing practical experience in initiation, conclusion and execution of exports businesses and projects in many markets abroad.

3 reasons for you to contact us:

...Because with our support you will tap into unused turnover and profit potentials abroad
...Because with our support you will gain external know-how for your export business without having to hire new staff
...Because you can attend closely to your very own core competences whilst we will boost your exports

Hugo Schnaberich's profile

Hugo Schnaberich's profile (Download PDF 340 kB)

Core competences

Many small and middle sized companies shy away from making the first step beyond their borders because they do not have proficient knowledge, they are risk-averse or only have little hope for success. Even though success in international business is rather dependant on a professional, target-oriented approach of exposing new foreign markets.

Here lie the core competences of project management – export: together with you we develop practicable solutions for your export strategy and formulate specific, feasible and achievable requirements for your international business.


Service offer

We advise you on an individual approach how to develop new foreign markets, tailored to your specific entrepreneurial situation

Based on a situation analysis we formulate together with you targets for your international business and determine, in collaboration with you, appropriate entry markets.

We actively assist you in structuring the appropriate sales channel, contract design(s) with your future foreign partners and in implementing your marketing measures.



With our own lecturers/trainers we offer internal and external seminars, training and workshops on export and project management "from practical experience for practical use":


Cooperations & partners

According to the sales regions we cooperate with regional and supra-regional banks, internationally specialised forwarding agents and law firms specialising in international business law.


Great Britain:
Alexander Grant Associates

MENA Region:

Contact us...

...for your first step into successful international business

project management – export
Hugo Schnaberich, Karlsruher Str. 31, 74211 Leingarten
Fon: +49 7131 1372417, Fax: +49 7131 1372028


Profile: Hugo Schnaberich

-more than 30 years of exports activities as export merchant and export clerk in several industrial and service enterprises in industry and service,
-of which more than 16 years in managerial capacity as export manager and project manager export are the basis for a successful development of international sales and organisation of intra-company exports and customs process.

Education and further training


Rechtliche Angaben:

Hugo Schnaberich
Karlsruher Str. 31, 74211 Leingarten
Fon: +49 7131 1372417, Fax: +49 7131 1372028

USt-ID-Nr.: DE295624278


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